Martisor Puisor din Acril
Martisor Puisor din Acril - sunt martisoare productie proprie, care pot fi personalizate cu textul, logoul sau grafica dorita de client prin imprimare in policromie. Suprafata de personalizare este o forma ovala de dimensiunea de 2 x 1.5 cm. Pretul afisat contine martisorul, snurul si personalizarea la o cantitate de pana la 10 bucati. Pentru model de martisor dorit cu forma speciala si pentru cantitati mai mari de 10 bucati, va rugam sa va logati sau sa cereti oferta de pret.
1,42 EUR
Nu uita sa salvezi personalizarea pentru a putea adauga in cos
10 other products in the same category:
"Primavara Frumoasa" Wooden Martisor
Traditional martisor for the Romanian holiday of March 1st, made of engraved wood and personalized with an elegant floral graphic, to which any slogan, message or logo can be added.
Heart-shaped Wooden Martisor
Traditional martisor for the Romanian holiday of March 1st, made of engraved white wood in the shape of a heart. Any text, logo and/or graphic can be added to its design.
Flower Wooden Martisor
Simple flower-shaped martisor made of engraved wood, for the traditional Romanian holiday of March 1st, personalized with any requested graphic and/or text.